Thursday, July 19, 2007

collaboration between teachers and parents

It is very important to involve the parents in schools and in teaching process.Every teacher should organize meetings with parents,every month or if it's neccessary every week,so he should keep the parents informed about everything what's going on in school,about childrens progress,their behaviour,orif there's a problem with socialization between children.Or he should be avaluable at any time if they have questions.That way parents can get involved in the educational process and give some ideas to help the schools and teachers to do a quallity education of their children.

the features of teacher 2

..........Teacher has to be creative, make the class interesting by using games,like icebreaker activity for students to get to know eachother at the begining of the class.He should give them tasks and make a group of 4-5 students and they have to work together as a team,but he has to help them if neccessary.That way they can socialize,share opinions,innteracte.Also he has to use images,video and audio tapes-thats much more fun and they will learn the material in the class.

the features of teacher

Would you like to be taught by someone who is serious all the time and he doesn't laught at all?

The children would not want to go to school because of him:)Teacher personality is very important.He has to be funny,tell jokes and talk to them.He has to listen to what they are talking,and help them if they have some problems in school,but also if some child is having problems at home,he has to talk to his parents or with the psyhologist in school,because it reflects in the child behaviour.The teacher is supposed to be his tutor,but at the same time a parent,a friend.....

He has to be creative,make the class interesting for them,to get them interested in the material,by using games....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Online learning in school

Hi everyone,
It i9s very hot in here so I don't know if I'm going to be able to write everything I want:)
Today I am going to write about the usage of technology in schools and the balance between technology and other school subjects.Can we make balance between them?
This was a topic on our forum discussion and we all agree that the use of technology in schools is neccesary,because it makes learning easier,more interesting and it saves time,but we have to know how to use it and to combine it with the other subjects.
So,we can not focus just on using technology(computers for example) and to expect from the students to learn by themselfs.We have to make a mixture between other subjects and technology,so that the children can use both computers and text books.We,the teachers have to be their guides throught online learning.But,in order to do that we have to be well prepared,attend computer coursses if neccessary,we have to be avaluable most of the time,answering to their messages and be able to help them with the process of learning.So,now in our schools,everywhere in Macedonia,computer coursses are organized to help teachers gain at least basic knowledge of computers.Otherwise,they are going to lose their job:)That's why,after finishing this coursse I am going to attend some of that computer coursses,because I don't know much about computers and I want to be a teacher:)
I also have to mention that If we only use online leraning,without traditional learning in classes we're avoiding the face-to-face contact,and there's no interaction and communication,there's no feedback provided,so we won't know if the student understands the material,does he have some problems in learning.So,that is why is important to make a balance between technology and other subjects in schools.
Another thing,theoretical knowledge can be learn using the computers,but what about practising.For example,I am going to be a teacher and we have musical education,so how are the students going to play on piano online?So,not everything can be learned online.....

Well,that's all for today:)
Have a nice day,

Monday, July 16, 2007

Do we need teachers?

Hi,everyone!How are you?How was your weekend?Mine was great.I went to Prilep and Pelister,and I had agreat time,but on Pelister I got burned from the sun,so I'm sick now:)

The thing that I wanted to talk about today is that I wanted to comment on that will we need teachers in schools in a few years?I once read:

"We are the future teachers,the way that leads to what is the most innocent and the most clean-children.We are the one that will give them a presen:the hardest and the holliest tool-the pencil.So,let us teach them through that tool to love themselfs and to love the others as well"

So,from this article we can see how important is the roll of teachers in schools.But,I also read that in a few years,in schools,the teachers would no longer be necessery,because nowadays everything is based on technology,and the children are going to learn and gain knowledge through computers.They are going to learn all by themselfs.

So,where is my future as teacher?What am I going to work?Are computers taking my job?

Can students learn all by themselfs,with computer help?

Of course that they are going to use the computers to gain knowledge and get new information,but they would need our help to show them how to use that information in practise and in real live.They also need to disscus about what the've learned,and communication is neccessery(face to face)-we have to communicate to see if they've understood the material..........

Well,I think that I still have an important roll in education and in scools-to teach ........................

I'm open to your comments and suggestions,so you can write to me.

see you:)

Your teacher:)

Thursday, July 12, 2007



Yesterday I didn't introduce myself,because I had to leave,so I just wanted to tell that I've finished Pedagogical Faculty "Ss Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje in June,2006.I'm still unemployed,I've try to find a job in my native town,but It's very difficult,especially in a small place like mine.But I hope that I don't have wait a long time to get a job.

Tomorrow I'll try to write something else.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

just to say hi:)

I just want to say hi,I'm not going to write anything,because this is the first time to create my blogg.
I hope that my topics are going to be interesting and Iwill attract your attention.
